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You are watching TR24 channel from Italy. The channel's category is News and the speaking language is Italian.

TR24 is a television channel whose contents are accessible both live streaming and on demand . Acronym for Tele Romagna 24 , as is clear from the name, this reality focuses on the Romagna area. The launch of this web channel dates back to May 2017, on the initiative of the Pubblisole Tele Romagna and TRMedia group. The project, which also saw the collaboration of the Ravenna Media Romagna cooperative, represents a great step for the media landscape of the territory. In fact, we are not talking about any web TV, but the first Romagna news network. Its contents are also visible on channel 11 of digital terrestrial .

By virtue of the characteristics just specified, it is easy to understand how this broadcaster represents a point of reference for all Romagna people who want to stay up to date on what is happening in the territory in which they live. In fact, the web TV in question broadcasts information content throughout the day.

The editorial staff takes care of the contents in a very precise manner, guaranteeing detailed insights focused on the events in the provinces of Cesena, Forlì, Ravenna, Rimini and Bologna . The schedule begins in the morning, with a press review marked by the reading of the main headlines of the day. It then continues with the newsletter.

This web TV , which also offers users an excellent quality site, is also present on social media and, with its online arrival, has filled an important information gap in the Romagna landscape.